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Stepping Out On Faith

One of the hardest yet most rewarding things I've had to do was choosing faith over fear. There is something so amazing about having an honest conversation with God and saying, God I don't know what you're doing, but I trust you. It's so easy to overthink, start comparing ourselves, and letting fear take over, the problem with that is that stagnation becomes your friend and instead of the goal being progress it becomes perfection, unrealistic.

The Storm

You may or may not know that our Hurricane Ida, caused a lot of damage to our old house, we hadn't even lived it in for a year before having to move, but God. In the midst of a literal storm our faith in God increased because we knew it had to be working for our good. The storm made me realize just how comfortable I had gotten with stagnation, I let others opinions of me stop me, and be louder than Gods opinion of me, which of course is ridiculous. God has made us beautiful and wonderful, what God says about us is far more important than what people say about us, and we have to remind ourselves that everyday. In short, the storm made me realize there were some major life changes that I needed to make, I had become too comfortable with not reaching for the stars, I had become too comfortable with fear not faith, trying to make it perfect, instead of progressing.

Kingdom and Abundance Mindset

My goal as of lately (yes ongoing goals are a thing) is to start and continue with the mindset that I am apart of Gods Kingdom, our little family is apart of Gods Kingdom, and our job is to represent God well, all other foolishness has to go. There is no space for anything that does not uplift, encourage, and support what God says and has for us. Secondly, abundance, this is a whole topic for another blog post, but to keep it simple, I grew up feeling bad for liking nice things or having 'expensive taste' so much so that up until recently I would apologize for wanting something nice, funny how that works... all it takes is a mindset shift. As a Black Woman, as a Plus Size Black Wife and Mommy, it is frowned upon to want/like nice things, and my goal is to remind you and to remind myself that life is luxury, we can and we will have the things we like in life, and as long as we keep God first, there is nothing wrong with treating ourselves to luxury, whether it be a designer item, a spa like bath, a meal with dessert first, luxury is what you define it as.

I am a humble person and I will no longer dim my light to make others comfortable.

I am a humble person, and I will no longer dim my light to make others comfortable. For too long I have felt like I needed to downplay or change who I am to try to fit in, but the reality is that we aren't made to fit in. God has created us one of a kind, unique, beautiful, and wonderful. The sooner we realize that we are enough, that our story, our lives, are more than enough, the sooner we can step into our purpose, and be who God has called us to be. It took years for me to understand this, and the main reason it took so long was because I often questioned and compared myself to others instead of thanking God for what He has placed inside and around me.

God is faithful, God is amazing, God is a provider, God is a restorer... God is everything. When you tune out all the distractions and draw near to God, you truly understand who and what you are meant to be and do. No one is you, and that itself is a blessing, when you have God on your side you cannot fail, you just have to choose faith over fear.

sending prayers and love your way, eri


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